The Racers Edge

At the age of 40, I decided to go motor racing - The ultimate mid life crisis.

Friday, March 23, 2007

It's a date!

The postie delivered the news - I go under the knife on April the 5th - seems a lot more real now :-( However, for my birthday next week, I've booked myself onto a Palmer day, so at least there's some good news.

On the GGWS front, check out for some proper science.

Just in case anyone is unsure, I'm cynical enough to doubt everything that the govt tells us, and the current hysteria/evangelism that we are being bombarded with on a daily basis makes me wonder - Could they be wrong? I think so.......Apparently that places me firmly in the minority - But would that still be the case if the mainstream media showed Joe Public both sides of the debate?

Consensus in the scientific community used to state that the earth was flat...................



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